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How can drivers prepare for the first snowfall?

Terre Haute does not get much snow, so the little that falls can catch drivers unaware. By contrast, drivers living in areas plastered white each winter are more used to it and better prepared.

The weather outside your window when you wake up may not be the same as the weather at your destination. It pays to keep an eye on the forecast during the winter months, especially if you need to travel out of town.

When snow is forecast, consider if you need to drive

If the forecasters issue a weather warning, take heed. Driving after or during snowfall will increase the risk of a crash, so the safest option is not to drive at all. If snow is forecast for Thursday, consider moving non-urgent tasks such as grocery shopping or visiting a friend to Wednesday.

If you do need to go out that day, see if you can move the timing. If snow falls during the night, the roads can be icy first thing in the morning, yet it might all have melted by 10 a.m.

Here are some more precautions to take if you do go out:

  • Allow longer for your journey: Do not expect to maintain your usual speed on slippery roads. Leaving early allows you to slow down and drive with more care.
  • Clear your windows before setting off: While wipers and hot air blowers can work quickly, many accidents happen in the first few minutes. Ensuring you can see out the windshield before you leave reduces the chance of a crash.
  • Check your tires have good tread: Adequate grip is always important, yet it is even more so when the road surface has less traction.

Despite your best efforts to stay safe, it only takes one unprepared or uncautious driver to lose control and injure you in a crash. Showing their errors and your precautions will help you get the compensation you need.