Errors involving medication in the medical field can occur at any stage, from administration to prescription. A healthcare provider could make a medication error that injures a patient, which could be considered medical malpractice. Here is what to know about...
Was your doctor impaired while treating you?
While being a doctor can be highly rewarding, it is no secret that the job is also stressful. Doctors often have to work long shifts, sacrificing spending time with their friends and family members. Doctors are highly skilled, but they are only human. They are...
Key steps in the medical diagnostic process
A health condition or injury can only be treated effectively if it is diagnosed properly. Diagnosing medical conditions requires doctors to train and study for several years. Even then, doctors continue to learn on the job. While medical technology has advanced...
Medical gaslighting occurs more frequently to women
If you are a woman, it likely doesn’t come as a surprise to learn that women seeking health care often get their symptoms ignored or downgraded by their physicians. It’s a form of medical gaslighting that happens every day in the medical community. Below are some of...
Did your doctor interrupt you?
Think about your last visit to the doctor’s office. When you were talking to your doctor and trying to describe your symptoms or any medical issues you were facing, did they listen to you? Or did they interrupt you? It’s an important question to ask because studies...
What is a breach of medical duty of care?
When visiting a medical institution, you expect your condition to be made better and not worse. Generally, this is what happens and doctors will diagnose you and administer the appropriate course of treatment. Unfortunately, this isn’t always how patient treatment...
Tips for remaining safe during an emergency department visit
Patient safety in the emergency department is a critical concern. Given emergency care's fast-paced and often unpredictable nature, patients and their families can play an active role in enhancing safety. Understanding how to participate actively in their health care...
Is it malpractice for doctors to behave inappropriately?
Most people think of malpractice as an error or negligence by a doctor or other medical professional that causes harm to a patient. While most cases involve things like that, an Indiana malpractice case is about something very different. More than 80 women are...
Should you confront the medical provider who harmed you?
It is natural to feel angry when medical negligence leaves you injured or with a worsened condition. You may want to confront the medical provider or facility that harmed you. Some people may tell you not to contact them, while others may say it is your right to seek...
Why do most surgical errors occur?
Avoidable mistakes during surgery are unfortunate occurrences, with thousands of cases reported each year in the United States. The path to recovery can be long and difficult for the affected patients. Sometimes, it means dealing with the aftermath for the rest of...