Most married couples use credit cards as one of many financial tools to help their household to maintain the highest standard of living possible. Credit cards can cover unexpected expenses and budgetary shortfalls when income is lower than usual. They can also allow...
How can you nurture your own well-being during a divorce?
Divorce can be an emotionally challenging and turbulent time in a person's life. If you’re divorcing, all of the transitions and changes can leave you feeling overwhelmed and physically, mentally and emotionally drained. Amid the legal and emotional complexities of...
How important is trust to an uncontested divorce?
It can be challenging to trust your soon-to-be ex-spouse to be fair and transparent, especially if they have proved untrustworthy during the marriage, which may have led to the divorce. However, trust can be necessary during a divorce, especially an uncontested one. ...
Tips for co-parents trying to get through the summer
Summer brings warmth, longer days, and for many children, a break from school. For divorced or separated parents, however, it can also bring added challenges to co-parenting arrangements. Here are some essential tips for making co-parenting during the summer months...
How money can lead to a divorce
Divorce is one of the most challenging life situations for most people. Several factors can lead to it, and money is one of them. Money is a sensitive topic in different institutions, including marriage -- and it can play a direct or indirect part in whether a...
What if your spouse is hiding marital assets?
In an Indiana divorce, both parties are legally required to disclose what they own and owe. This is intended to ensure that marital property is divided equitably per Indiana marital property laws. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for some couples to withhold marital...
Reports show medical issues often lead to divorce
When medical issues strike, they can put a lot of stress on your life. This is especially true when it’s a very serious and long-term diagnosis. A common example is a cancer diagnosis, which, even when fully survivable, could take extensive treatment for months or...
5 things co-parents should remember about communication
Communication is one of the most important aspects of co-parenting. Whether you’re speaking to your ex, about your ex, to the children or about the children, you must ensure that you’re using the proper communication methods. A communication breakdown can make the...
How do you go about changing an Indiana custody order?
When you and your child’s other parent ended your romantic relationship, you likely drew up a legally-enforceable parenting plan as an element of your child custody order. Over time, one or more terms within that parenting plan may have become unmanageable, irrelevant...
Child support enforcement information for Indiana parents
Divorce has an unfortunate way of causing seemingly simple disagreements between spouses to escalate into outright battles. Unresolved conflict between parents can have harmful effects on the kids of divorce. Sometimes, co-parent disputes deescalate after the divorce...