If you’re considering divorce, whether you believe your spouse is or not, it’s smart to be prepared before you broach the subject. No matter how reasonable your spouse is and how much you trust them to be fair as you divide assets and settle financial matters during...
Why do you need to report sexual harassment at work?
Sexual harassment can happen anywhere. It can happen to people of all ages and genders, from your young niece at school to your grandad in the nursing home. Yet much of it happens in the workplace. This is the area a new report from Resume-Now examines. The results do...
Belittling your spouse during divorce is never a good idea
Divorce proceedings are never easy. This highly stressful and emotional process can take a mental toll on everyone involved. It is not uncommon for individuals going through divorce to turn to the people around them for support. Unfortunately, some end up disparaging...
What might explain a driver not seeing you and crashing into you?
If someone crashes into you, they either did not see you or did not see you until it was too late to avoid you. Unless, of course, another vehicle knocked them into you. There are several reasons drivers do not spot other cars. For example, they fell asleep at the...
How do you get sepsis?
If you enter a hospital for treatment, you do not expect to leave with a life-threatening infection. Yet, around 1.7 million people get sepsis each year, and about 270,000 die from it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You cannot...
How can drivers prepare for the first snowfall?
Terre Haute does not get much snow, so the little that falls can catch drivers unaware. By contrast, drivers living in areas plastered white each winter are more used to it and better prepared. The weather outside your window when you wake up may not be the same as...
What to do if your colleagues make more than you in the same role
Receiving fair compensation for work done is perhaps one of the most fulfilling aspects of employment. However, when discrimination figures into the picture, remuneration can become a very contentious issue. Unfair compensation can be very damaging to the employee in...
Has something bad happened at work after reporting harassment?
You might assume your employer would want to know if someone at work harasses you. After all, no company wants a reputation as an unsafe and uncomfortable place to work. Your employer may even have told you to report incidents and brought in specialist trainers to...
What is a hostile work environment?
Have you ever woken up and not wanted to go to work? Most people have. If it is because you are bored of your job, or do not like what you do, then the only option may be to resign and look for work that excites and interests you. Yet, if it is because you feel...
Why is 2021 such a dangerous year on the roads?
Drivers picked up bad habits last year, and as a result, are dying at an alarming rate. Those are the findings of a new report from the U.S. Department of Transport (USDOT). There was less traffic on the roads during 2020. There were also fewer police officers pulling...